The goal of our translation agency is to be a leader among translation companies, providing professional translation services and offering the client an impeccable service! Our principle: high-quality translations - just in time! Our translation agency focuses on long-term partnerships with corporate clients, and also provides a full range of translation services for individuals. We pay special attention to the quality of services.
Different sources provide different figures regarding the number of Moldovan citizens staying outside the country. According to some estimates, the number of migrants varies from several hundred thousand to one million. Once settled abroad, our citizens have a variety of needs: to reunite a family ,
prepare educational documents, get married or get married, invite relatives to visit, obtain citizenship, obtain a passport without leaving the country, etc. It is not so easy to find an answer to all the questions arising in this regard on your own. it is necessary to understand the intricacies of international law, procedural issues of paperwork, the requirements of embassies and consulates. At the same time, any unaccounted for trifle can nullify all efforts to collect documents and attempts to independently solve the problem.
Our company has many years of practical experience in the field of migration, since we had to prepare tens of thousands of documents for our clients and solve a variety of problems. We are always happy to share our experience and find the best solution in almost any case.
You can come to us personally, call us:
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